Spartan Experience for Transfers (Transfer Orientation)


All Fall 2024 admitted transfer students must attend 一个 Spartan Experience for Transfers (SET) session, and participate for the entire duration of the program. Here you will get an official campus welcome, hear from various departments including Financial Aid and the Office of 多样性 Equity and Inclusion, meet with academic advisors, and get a chance to connect with an Orientation Leader - current 菠菜网lol正规平台 student - and other incoming Spartans. 

SET is mandatory and attendance will be recorded. If you do not attend, or if you leave during any portion of the event, you will be blocked from registering for classes and will NOT be able to attend San Jose State in Fall 2024.

New Student and 家庭计划 will send you an orientation confirmation letter to 你的 My菠菜网lol正规平台 Messages 一个 week prior to 你的 scheduled orientation date. You can access 你的 My菠菜网lol正规平台 Messages 通过你的 一个.菠菜网lol正规平台.edu 学生门户.

Summer 2024 SET Orientation Dates

  • Friday, June 7, 2024
  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024
  • Thursday, June 13, 2024
  • Tuesday, June 18, 2024
  • Thursday, June 20, 2024

Please note that not all sessions may not be available to you on 你的 下一个步骤 门户网站. SET Orientation sessions you may select from will be based upon when 你的 major will be offering academic advising. Additionally, sessions fill up on a first come, first serve basis so this may also affect general orientation session availability.

Summer 2024 SET Orientation Schedule

Download a copy of the 2024 SET Orientation Schedule here [pdf]

View Y我们的 SET Orientation Session Date

You can view what SET orientation date you registered for in 你的 下一个步骤 门户网站. In hopes to maintain an equitable registration process for all incoming 菠菜网lol正规平台 students, we do not accommodate orientation session changes after the intent to enrollment 的最后期限. We do make exceptions for extenuating emergencies that can be verified with proper documentation. If you have an emergency and can't attend SET Orientation, please 联络我们:

Before Attending SET Orientation

  1. 完整的 斯巴达式的链接, 我们的 online pre-orientation modules (will be given access in May 2024)
  2. Review 你的 confirmation letter sent to 你的 My菠菜网lol正规平台 Messages (access through 你的 一个.菠菜网lol正规平台.edu 门户网站) 一个 (1) week prior to 你的 SET session

For more information please visit 我们的 Frequently Asked Questions page or 联络我们:

Students attending a Spartan Experience for Transfers (SET) who need  disability-related accommodations should contact the Accessible 教育 Center (AEC) at as soon as possible or at least two weeks prior to attending 你的 orientation session.

家长s and family members are also enc我们的aged to attend orientation. 会有 sessions specifically designed with their needs and questions in mind. 请访问 我们的 家长 & Family Orientation page for more information.